Episode 8: For the Love of Music with Dr Soph
Special thanks to Piotr Szulc for sound editing.
There is a whole field of study called music psychology, which brings psychology and musicology together to answer questions about how we create, perceive and respond to music. In this month's episode, we try to get to the heart of why music elicits emotion. It’s a big topic that we'll keep coming back to but in this week's show, we focus on how the brain's ability to make predictions about what we hear might explain how musical sounds become rewarding. Dr. Sophie Mort AKA Dr Soph explains why listening to music that was played a lot during an important period in our life can trigger a deeply nostalgic emotional response and how our human capacity and inclination to synchronize our body movement to music makes us feel good. She also explains how music is a language of emotion that some people feel more comfortable using to express how they are feeling, and the idea of emotional contagion which describes the phenomenon where perceiving an emotion can sometimes induce the same emotion.
Dr. Soph
Dr. Soph explains our nostalgic emotional response to familiar music from our pasts and more.
Dr. Sophie Mort AKA Dr. Sophie Mort is a Clinical Psychologist, Life Coach and Yoga Teacher. She has a Professional Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and a Masters in Neuroscience. She is on on a mission to get evidence based psychology out of the therapy room and into people's lives. She offers private psychological therapy and life coaching online to people all over the world. She also shares her psychological understanding and advice on social media. Find out more about her on Drsoph.com.
Track Listings
Ezra Collective, Loyle Carner - What Am I to Do
Omid, Aceyalone, Self Jupiter – When the Sun Took a Day Off
King N’gom – Viva Marvillas
Walter Jones – I’ll Keep On Loving You
Ralphi Rosario, Lego – Take Me Up (Lego’s Dub)
Black Coffee – Turn Me On (Ft. Bucie)
Fish Go Deep, Tracey K - The Cure & The Cause
Lithics – Excuse Generator
ESG – There Was a Time
Delta 5 – Mind Your Own Business